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​Elijah Coles-Brown is a national motivational speaker, social justice and civil rights activist, entrepreneur, speech writer, talk show host and mentor. He was born on February 10, 2004, in Norfolk, VA to a struggling, single, 41 year old, mother named Brenda Coles from Bedford VA. His brother, Larry Robinson, is 14 years his senior. Early in my life, his mother quickly saw his accelerated growth and he eventually began reading and writing at the age of 3 years old, reading an average of about 20 books a day. Though his mother suffered with major medical issues, he always remained compassionate towards her, and remained by her side. While in kindergarten, he read at a 4th grade level. He loves the Lord and God remains his foundation for everything that he does. Over the course of his life, he has continued to live by the values that his mother instilled in him: Love who you are, work hard at everything you do, be honest, help others, love your family, and always be the best that you can be.

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